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C. Sirote-Katz, O. Palti, N. Spiro, T. Kálmán, and Y. Shokef

arXiv:2411.15760 (2024)
C. Sirote-Katz, Y. M. Y. Feldman, G. Cohen, T. Kálmán, and Y. Shokef

arXiv:2412.01227 (2024)
G. Gabrieli, Y. Shokef, and I. Neder

arXiv:2411.14388 (2024)
S. Thapa, D. Zaretzky, R. Vatash, G. Gradziuk, C. Broedersz, Y. Shokef, and Y. Roichman

SciPost Phys. 17, 096 (2024)
2024 Balloon Avalanche Hysteria.png
Y. Shokef

Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics May 2024, 3 (2024)
2024 Emergent disorder and mechanical memory in periodic metamaterials.png
C. Sirote-Katz, D. Shohat, C. Merrigan, Y. Lahini, C. Nisoli, and Y. Shokef

Nature Communications 15, 4008 (2024)

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2024 Bloch oscillations, Landau–Zener transition, and topological phase evolution in an ar
I. Neder, C. Sirote, M. Geva, Y. Lahini, R. Ilan, and Y. Shokef

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 121, e2310715121 (2024)

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2024 Many-body interactions between contracting living cells.png
R. Golkov and Y. Shokef

European Physical Journal E 47, 14 (2024)
2024 Emergent clustering due to quorum sensing interactions in active matter.png
S. Thapa, B-E. Pinchasik, and Y. Shokef

New Journal of Physics 26, 023010 (2024)
2023 Percolation in networks of liquid diodes.jpeg
C. Sammartino, Y. Shokef, and B-E. Pinchasik

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, 7697 (2023)
2022 How to control frustration in materials.jpg
Y. Shokef

Frontiers for Young Minds 10, 773189 (2022)

2021 Introduction to force transmission by nonlinear biomaterials.png
X. Mao and Y. Shokef

Soft Matter 17, 10172 (2021)
2021 Mean-field interactions between living cells in linear and nonlinear elastic matrices
C. Sirote and Y. Shokef

Physical Review E 104, 024411 (2021)
2021 Putting a spin on metamaterials Mechanical incompatibility as magnetic
B. Pisanty, E. C. OÄŸuz, C. Nisoli, and Y. Shokef

SciPost Physics 10, 136 (2021)
2021 Topologically protected steady cycles in an ice-like mechanical metamaterial.jpg
C. Merrigan, C. Nisoli, and Y. Shokef

Physical Review Research 3, 023174 (2021)

2021 Real-time steering of curved sound beams in a feedback-based topological acoustic met
L. Sirota, D. Sabsovich, Y. Lahini, R. Ilan, and Y. Shokef

Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 153, 107479 (2021)
2020 Constraint relaxation leads to jamming.png
E. Teomy and Y. Shokef

Physical Review E 102, 062155 (2020)
2020 Feedback-based Topological Mechanical Metamaterials.png
L. Sirota, Y. Lahini, R. Ilan, and Y. Shokef

Fourteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel
Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials), pp. 415-417 (2020)
2020 Non-Newtonian topological mechanical metamaterials using feedback control.png
L. Sirota, R. Ilan, Y. Shokef, and Y. Lahini

Physical Review Letters 125, 256802 (2020)  ynet
2020 Target finding in fibrous biological environments.png
D. Gomez, E. Teomy, A. Lesman, and Y. Shokef

New Journal of Physics 22, 103008 (2020)
2020 Topology restricts quasidegeneracy in sheared square colloidal ice.png
E. C. OÄŸuz, A. Ortiz-Ambriz, H. Shem-Tov, E. Babià-Soler, P. Tierno, and Y. Shokef

Physical Review Letters 124, 238003 (2020)
2020 Arrested states in persistent active matter gelation without attraction.png
C. Merrigan, K. Ramola, R. Chatterjee, N. Segall, Y. Shokef, and B. Chakraborty

Physical Review Research 2, 013260 (2020)
2020 Response evolution of mechanical metamaterials under architectural
A. S. Meeussen, E. C. OÄŸuz, M. van Hecke, and Y. Shokef

New Journal of Physics 22, 023030 (2020)
2020 Topological defects produce exotic mechanics in complex metamaterials.png
A. S. Meeussen, E. C. OÄŸuz, Y. Shokef, and M. van Hecke

Nature Physics 16, 307 (2020)

Video  EurekAlert  ScienceDaily  Jerusalem Post  Hayadan  ynet
2019 Multiple peaks in the displacement distribution of active random walkers.png
E. Teomy, Y. Roichman, and Y. Shokef

Journal of Statistical Mechanics - Theory and Experiment, 113209 (2019)
2019 Mechanical interaction between cells facilitates molecular transport.png
D. Gomez, S. Natan, Y. Shokef, and A. Lesman

Advanced Biosystems 3, 1900192 (2019)
2019 Kinetically constrained model for gravity-driven granular flow and clogging.png
G. Bolshak, R. Chatterjee, R. Lieberman, and Y. Shokef

Physical Review E 100, 032137 (2019)
2019 Motion of active tracer in a lattice gas with cross-shaped particles.png
R. Chatterjee, N. Segall, C. Merrigan, K. Ramola, B. Chakraborty, and Y. Shokef

Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 144508 (2019)
2019 Elastic interactions between anisotropically contracting circular cells.png
R. Golkov and Y. Shokef

Physical Review E 99, 032418 (2019)
2017 Hydrodynamics in kinetically constrained lattice-gas models.png
E. Teomy and Y. Shokef

Physical Review E 95, 022124 (2017)
2017 Attraction controls the inversion of order by disorder in buckled colloidal monolayer
F. Leoni and Y. Shokef

Physical Review Letters 118, 218002 (2017)
2017 Shape regulation generates elastic interaction between active force dipoles.png
R. Golkov and Y. Shokef

New Journal of Physics 19, 063011 (2017)
2016 Jamming vs caging in three dimensional jamming percolation.png
N. Segall, E. Teomy, and Y. Shokef

Journal of Statistical Mechanics - Theory and Experiment 054051 (2016)
2015 Response of adherent cells to mechanical perturbations of the surrounding matrix.png
D. Ben-Yaakov, R. Golkov, Y. Shokef, and S.A. Safran

Soft Matter 11, 1412 (2015)
2014 Finite-density effects in the Fredrickson-Andersen and Kob-Andersen kinetically-const
E. Teomy and Y. Shokef

The Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 064110 (2014)
2014 Jamming by shape in kinetically-constrained models.png
E. Teomy and Y. Shokef

Physical Review E 89, 032204 (2014)
2014 Jamming percolation in three dimensions.png
A. Ghosh, E. Teomy, and Y. Shokef

Europhysics Letters 106, 16003 (2014)
2013 Buckled colloidal monolayers connect geometric frustration in soft and hard
Y. Shokef, Y. Han, A. Souslov, A.G. Yodh, and T.C. Lubensky

Soft Matter 9, 6565 (2013)
2012 Jamming transition of kinetically-constrained models in rectangular systems.png
E. Teomy and Y. Shokef

Physical Review E 86, 051133 (2012)
2012 Erratum Scaling laws for the response of nonlinear elastic media with implications fo
Y. Shokef and S.A. Safran

Physical Review Letters 109, 169901 (2012)
2012 Scaling laws for the response of nonlinear elastic media with implications for cell m
Y. Shokef and S.A. Safran

Physical Review Letters 108, 178103 (2012)
2012 Dichotomic fluxoid quantization effects in a superconducting double network.png
I. Sochnikov, Y. Shokef, A. Shaulov, and Y. Yeshurun

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 400, 022110 (2012)
2012 Fluxoid quantization effects in high-Tc superconducting double networks.png
I. Sochnikov, Y. Shokef, G. Logvenov, I. Božovic, A. Shaulov, and Y. Yeshurun

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 400, 022109 (2012)
2011 Order-by-disorder in the antiferromagnetic Ising model on an elastic triangular latti
Y. Shokef, A. Souslov, and T.C. Lubensky

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 108, 11804 (2011)
2011 Single-loop like energy oscillations and staircase vortex occupation in superconducti
I. Sochnikov, Y. Shokef, A. Shaulov, and Y. Yeshurun

Physical Review B 84, 024513 (2011)
2011 Effective temperature of red blood cell membrane fluctuations.png
E. Ben-Isaac, Y.K. Park, G. Popescu, F.L.H. Brown, N.S. Gov, and Y. Shokef

Physical Review Letters 106, 238103 (2011)
2010 Jamming mechanisms and density dependence in a kinetically-constrained model.png
Y. Shokef and A.J. Liu

Europhysics Letters 90, 26005 (2010)
2009 Randomness-induced redistribution of vibrational frequencies in amorphous solids.png
V. Ilyin, I. Procaccia, I. Regev, and Y. Shokef

Physical Review B 80, 174201 (2009)
2009 Stripes zigzags and slow dynamics in buckled hard spheres.png
Y. Shokef and T.C. Lubensky

Physical Review Letters 102, 048303 (2009)
2008 Geometric frustration in buckled colloidal monolayers.jpg
Y. Han, Y. Shokef, A.M. Alsayed, P. Yunker, T.C. Lubensky, and A.G. Yodh

Nature 456, 898 (2008)

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2008 Frequency-dependent fluctuation-dissipation relations in granular gases.png
G. Bunin, Y. Shokef, and D. Levine

Physical Review E 77, 051301 (2008)
2007 Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of dividing cell populations.png
N. Brenner and Y. Shokef

Physical Review Letters 99, 138102 (2007)
2007 Isolated non-equilibrium systems in contact.png
Y. Shokef, G. Shulkind, and D. Levine

Physical Review E 76, 030101(R) (2007)
Y. Shokef and D. Levine

Physical Review E 74, 051111 (2006)
Y. Shokef, G. Bunin, and D. Levine

Physical Review E 73, 046132 (2006)
O. Sadot, K. Levy, A. Yosef-Hai, D. Cartoon, Y. Elbaz, Y. Srebro, G. Ben-Dor, and D. Shvarts

Astrophysics and Space Science 298, 305 (2005)
P. B. Radha, T. J. B. Collins, J. A. Delettrez, Y. Elbaz, R. Epstein, V. Yu. Glebov, V. N. Goncharov, R. L. Keck, J. P. Knauer, J. A. Marozas, F. J. Marshall, R. L. McCrory, P. W. McKenty, D. D. Meyerhofer, S. P. Regan, T. C. Sangster, W. Seka, D. Shvarts, S. Skupsky, Y. Srebro, and C. Stoeckl

Physics of Plasmas 12, 056307 (2005)
P. B. Radha, V. N. Goncharov, T. J. B. Collins, J. A. Delettrez, Y. Elbaz, V. Yu. Glebov, R. L. Keck, D. E. Keller, J. P. Knauer, J. A. Marozas, F. J. Marshall, P. W. McKenty, D. D. Meyerhofer, S. P. Regan, T. C. Sangster, D. Shvarts, S. Skupsky, Y. Srebro, R. P. J. Town, and C. Stoeckl

Physics of Plasmas 12, 032702 (2005)
Y. Shokef and D. Levine

Physical Review Letters 94, 208901 (2005)
Y. Shokef and D. Levine

Physical Review Letters 93, 240601 (2004)
2003 Role of friction in compaction and segregation of granular materials.png
Y. Shokef and D. Levine

Physical Review E 68, 061301 (2003)
Y. Srebro, D. Kushnir, Y. Elbaz, and D. Shvarts

Laser and Particle Beams 21, 355-361 (2003)
Y. Srebro, Y. Elbaz, O. Sadot, L. Arazi, and D. Shvarts

Laser and Particle Beams 21, 347-353 (2003)
K. Levy, O. Sadot, A. Rikanati, D. Kartoon, Y. Srebro, A. Yosef-Hai, G. Ben-Dor, and D. Shvarts

Laser and Particle Beams 21, 335-339 (2003)
T. R. Boehly, V. N. Goncharov, O. Gotchev, J. P. Knauer, D. D. Meyerhofer, D. Oron, S. P. Regan, Y. Srebro, W. Seka, D. Shvarts, S. Skupsky, and V. A. Smalyuk

Physics of Plasmas 8, 2331-2337 (2001)
D. Shvarts, D. Oron, D. Kartoon, A. Rikanati, O. Sadot, Y. Srebro, Y. Yedvab, D. Ofer, A. Levin, E. Sarid, G. Ben-Dor, L. Erez, G. Erez, A. Yosef-Hai, U. Alon, and L. Arazi

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences - Series IV - Physics 1, 719-726 (2000)
D. Oron, O. Sadot, Y. Srebro, A. Rikanati, Y. Yedvab, U. Alon, L. Erez, G. Erez, G. Ben-Dor, L. A. Levin, D. Ofer, and D. Shvarts

Laser and Particle Beams 17, 465-475 (1999)
V. A. Smalyuk, T. R. Boehly, D. K. Bradley, V. N. Gonocharov, J. A. Delettrez, J. P. Knauer, D. D. Meyerhofer, D. Oron, D. Shvarts , Y. Srebro, and R. P. J. Town

Physics of Plasmas 6, 4022-4036 (1999)
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